Not all newsletters are created equal and some of them—the ones that are boring, self-centered and unhelpful—even cause twitching tremors as the poor subscriber searches frantically for the unsubscribe button. 

That won't happen to you when you sign up for Andrea Bassett’s monthly newsletter. 

This e-newsletter is written for folks in corporate wellness, group benefits, insurance, EAP and digital health organizations. Is it all about stress management, actuarial tables and group benefits plan design?

No, not at all.

But it is positive, practical and entertaining (if I do say so myself).

Plus, it shows up in your in-box once a month, so you don’t actually have to remember the name of that executive ghostwriter who specializes in working with corporate wellness, group benefits, insurance, EAP and digital health organizations.

Until you need me. Then, my name’s right there, searchable by typing ghostwriter in your in-box of approximately 43,000 emails.

And one more thing, because I know testimonials are important in content marketing, so…

 I enjoy this newsletter so much, I subscribed myself. 

Sign up today for your FREE e-newsletter!


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Stop, Think, Share: Secrets from an Executive Ghostwriter.

    Quality stuff coming your way. By clicking here, you consent to receive emails from me. Which is basically my monthly newsletter and possibly a Christmas wish and/or an occasional and personalized keep-in-touch message.

    Andrea Bassett, executive ghostwriter

    Brought to you by Andrea Bassett, an executive ghostwriter and content writer who specializes in working with executives, business owners and marketing departments at corporate wellness, group benefits, insurance, EAP and digital health organizations.