Call 647-502-3187 for a free consultation about your next content marketing project. During this no-obligation conversation, we’ll talk about your target audience, your objective for the project and how I can help you produce your authority-building content marketing.

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Stop, Think, Share: Secrets from an Executive Ghostwriter.

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    Thank you for a great interview, it’s a relief to have a professional on board.
    — Gabrielle Purchon, Content Marketing Manager and Strategist, Virgin Pulse
    Explaining your ideas and beliefs can be really challenging, and it’s normal for many people to express these in a cloudy way. Andrea is highly skilled at getting behind the words and statements we use to express ourselves to discover what we really mean.

    In short, she can decode the thinking that’s behind the “big” idea and make it accessible for others. Furthermore, she does this with kindness, humour and really takes care of her audience while holding them to a high standard.
    — Aram Arslanian, Founder, Cadence Leadership + Communication
    We are so incredibly pleased with your work! Absolute pleasure to work with you!
    — Jordin Edwards, Marketing Strategist at First Bank & Trust/Fishback Financial Corporation

    For a quick, no-obligation chat about how I can help you reach your audience and fulfill marketing objectives, connect with me at or 647-502-3187. I’m in central standard time.